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Sly & the Family Stone

Theres a Riot Going On

Small Talk

Dance to the Music

Mastercuts: Essential Sly Stone

This rare cd is a compilation of his solo 80s instrumentals, as well as the tracks from his album "Back on the Right Track"

Essential Sly Stone 2 Disc (All the classic number ones)
Disc 1
Disc 2

Marvin Gaye: Here My Dear

Marvin Gaye was known for spending his money as he earned it. After his divorce with Anna, he was forced in court to give her money. As he had none, the judge ordered he had to make a cd, and 100% of those profits from the album would go to his wife. Marvin entered a stage of depression and vowed to make a album using as little of his time as possible. However, while he was producing it, he became obsessed, spending lots of time and energy on the album as a method of "venting". The album did very poorly in sales, and was regarded as strange by critics. The cd has recently been brought into the limelight, due to its varying-emotional infused soul.


Eccentric Soul: Mark Lenaburg

Rare psychedelic soul/funk from Phoenix scene producer Mike Lenaburg, featuring other local groups. Lp by Numero Group.


rare 3cd Japanese import box-set of rare Jay Dilla beats


*need all 3 files*

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